Thursday, April 3, 2008

The room is back!

Hooray! The Migrator is back! We can't go into the hold just yet because it's full of sand!
And in the newspaper it looks like we get to read his journal in the book room soon! Also next week we get to write Newspaper articles. This will be fun!

Friday, March 28, 2008

We are all Green Puffles!

Go onto any CP test server and you're a green puffle!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

April Fools

Hooray the April Fools Day Party is on!

The free items:

Swirly Glasses are at the cove

The Red Propeller Hats are at the Ski Village

And if you have a green puffle, you can fly together:

The New Pin:
The pin is the crayon pin. Go to the mine shack and connect the 50 dots then pick up the pin.

A few cool rooms:
Yay! We get to walk on the walls of the Dojo again!

Negative Spot Shop

Who turned this that way?

Enjoy it!

Sinking the Sub!

Note: I didn't start this

The Newspaper

Hooray! I am penguin of the month!
No I'm not CP used a name generator.
I cant post it because CP deleted it. Probably because it was causing so much trouble.


This is my blog I have just moved from Wordpress!